
Filet guide

We provide a wide variety of salmon fillets, presented in several packages, including both whole sides and thin slices. Smoked, Marinated and Pepper salmon fillets are a part of our product mix.

  • Trim a
    Collar bone in - Back bone off - Belly bone off
  • Trim B
    Collar bone off - Back bone off - Belly bone off - Back fat off - Belly fat off - Tail cartilage off - Pin bone in or pin bone out - Skin on or skinn off
  • Trim C
    Collar bone off - Back bone off - Belly bone off - Back fat off - Belly fat off - Tail cartilage off - Belly membrane off - Pin bone in or pin bone out - Skin on
  • Trim D
    Collar bone off - Back bone off - Belly bone off - Back fat off - Belly fat off - Tail cartilage off - Belly membrane off - Pin bone in or pin bone out - Skinn off
  • Trim E
    Backbone, Belly bone off - Back fins off - Collar bone off - Belly fat and fins of - Pin bone out - All belly off - Tail piece off - Fully trimmed - Skin off